Kids Training

To describe our kids training program, I would like to tell you what training is like for kids that have been here 2+ years. Students at the Green and Brown belt level have around 1 year and a half to 2 years training, depending on how consistent they are and how much they practice on their own. At this level they have become understanding of the discipline we have when in the Dojo (training hall).

To give a better understanding of this to you (the parent), it is similar to when they do something they shouldn’t whether it is physical or behavioral mistakes, the look on your face tells them that was not a good idea. They learn those things here as well. We try to instill the same Family values you teach at home, it is deployed in a Martial Art way. This can create a different learning process, with values that will stick with them for their entire life. Perhaps creating strong character to have the ability to say no to drugs, or stay away from the wrong crowd or maybe even help someone. Helping is harder than hurting. Since they are not at home and in the Dojo they are likely to get done what needs to be done because they want to move up in rank and learn more material.

This want is what keeps their ambition alive, as well as good interaction with Instructors and other students alike. Where as Adults understand the purpose of practice and repetition. Kids see it as they remember it, so they got it. Time put in is the only thing that will separate a young beginner student at age 8 from an 8 year old that has been training since they were 4. The difference is huge in the sense of understanding these values. Martial arts can help speed that learning up.

Classes are well structured and taught in a disciplined fashion according to the level of understanding they have and the understanding or focus the instructor wants to see in them that day. Class can be unique and challenging at times. Becoming a Jedi would probably be difficult wouldn’t it? No one said becoming a Black Belt would be ice cream either. This school provides an excellent and comfortable family atmosphere. We encourage interaction from everyone for the benefit of everyone. In other words you are not here for just you, for those you train with also.